This Is One Serving: Thanksgiving Favorites

The average American gobbles down more than 3,000 calories on Turkey Day, but that number can be easily slashed—starting with some basic portion control. But what’s 4 ounces, 78 grams, or a ¼ cup exactly? Follow this serving size guide for a smarter (but still enjoyable!) holiday meal—minus the elastic-waisted pants.
Serving Size Equivalent: Deck of Cards
Twelve-pound turkey for two? Turns out that big bird could (and should!) feed more than just a Kate Plus Eight-size family. Opt instead for a 4-ounce portion of the lean meat, which can pack up to 32 grams of protein (more than half of what’s recommended daily). More active than most? Go ahead and carve up some seconds, just opt for skinless meat to keep it nice n’ lean.
Cranberry Sauce
Serving Size Equivalent: Spool of Thread
Call it a side, a sauce, or the most magical condiment around, this is one Thanksgiving staple that’s hard to pass up. And though a single ½ cup serving offers a healthy dose of vitamin C and antioxidants, it can also pack a whopping 52 grams of sugar, or 18 percent of the recommended daily value (and the pies aren’t even out yet!). Opt for recipes with no sugar added to keep those empty calories to a minimum.
Dinner Roll
Serving Size Equivalent: Tennis Ball
Oh, warm n’ crusty bread basket, how we love you so. But chances are those orbit-sized rolls have more carbs than they’re worth (plus who can resist a little butter, too?). If there’s a choice of breads on the table, opt for whole wheat for a heftier dose of B vitamins and fiber to stay fuller longer. And stick to no more than a tennis ball-sized roll (unless being rolled outta there is an option).
Brussels Sprouts
Serving Size Equivalent: Four Lego Men
What’s half a cup of Brussels sprouts exactly? Four Lego, of course! The pay-off: a mega-dose of vitamins A, C, and K, not to mention B6, folate, potassium, manganese, and heart-healthy dietary fiber. Just watch out for recipes that sneak in cheese, butter, or lots of oil.
Serving Size Equivalent: Golf Ball
Hoppin’ on the gravy train is tempting—especially on Turkey Day. But it’s no secret the stuff can be heavy on the sodium, and often high in fat. So if the turkey or mashed potatoes need a little lovin’, limit that serving size to a quarter cup, or about the size of a golf ball.
Serving Size Equivalent: Bar of Soap
The name pretty much says it all with this carb-heavy dish. While there are plenty of stuffing recipes low in fat and cholesterol, 20 grams of carbs for every 28-gram serving is nothing to be thankful for. Oh right, it’s delicious, though… …read more
Source:: Greatist