The Most Popular Health and Fitness Pins of 2014, According to Pinterest
By Jeff Cattel
Pinterest is our favorite kind of Internet rabbit hole. We quickly get sucked in by the food porn and life hacks, coming out of the zone that much hungrier and inspired to make healthier choices. That’s why we were so excited to see the list of the top pins in health and fitness in 2014. But we couldn’t just keep the list to ourselves (sharing is caring, right?). From metabolism-boosting workouts to the magical allergy-relieving juice, check out what people have been pinning in the past year.
The Top 10 Health and Fitness Pins
Fire Up Your Metabolism
We’re big fans of do-anywhere workouts, especially in the midst of the holiday season when it gets harder and harder to find time to exercise. All you need are some dumbbells and a jump rope for this 5-minute workout from Men’s Health. It’ll send your metabolism through the roof!
11 Stress-Fighting Foods
It’s hardly news that Americans are stressed out, so it only makes sense that we’re all looking (and pinning) quick and easy ways to get some zen. It doesn’t hurt that this list from Women’s Health includes some of our favorite foods: dark chocolate-covered almonds, guacamole, and wine.