The 20 Cereals That Are Actually Healthy (and How to Pick ‘Em)

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By Kissairis Munoz

The Cereals You Should Be Eating for Breakfast

Cereal: What used to be just a kid’s meal is now America’s favorite breakfast. And it makes sense. Cold cereal makes for a fast, easy, and inexpensive meal or a quick and easy snack.

Still, cereal sometimes gets a bad rap for being packed with sugar, low in protein, and generally lacking nutritional value (Hint: If it has marshmallows in it, it probably isn’t good for you—sorry, Leprechauns). But the abundance of choices in the supermarket aisle means there are some healthy options hiding behind Toucan Sam. While these cereals might not have a prize in the box, they’ll fuel you up to start your day off right.


1. Barbara's Original Puffins

1. Barbara’s Original Puffins

This cereal has a lot going for it, and we’re not just talking about the adorable puffin on the box. Crunchy, dairy- and wheat-free, only lightly sweetened, and relatively high in fiber, this is a solid morning option.

2. Barbara's Cinnamon Puffins

2. Barbara’s Cinnamon Puffins

With a little more sweetness than the original Puffins, these corn pillows are a good option for those with a sweet tooth who are still trying to watch their sugar intake. They’ve got 6 grams each of fiber and sugar, so they taste great while keeping you full.

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