Making It Work: How to Save Time, Get Fit, and Win at Life
By Sohee Lee
I get it—you’re busy. Heck, do you even have time to read this article right now? As you’re reading my words, your mind’s probably racing a million miles a minute about the three dozen other things that need to get done today.
I know the feeling. It can get overwhelming—to the point where sometimes you feel like you’re going to snap any second.
Here’s the deal: I’m a full time student, I play a sport, I lift weights, and I run my own business on the side. It’s. Crazy. The madness never ends. It’s too easy for my social life to take a backseat as I find myself planted firmly on my butt at my desk night after night, squinting at the computer screen as my eyes beg to close just for a few precious hours. Then before I know it, it’s the butt crack of dawn and I’m still awake. How’d that happen?
I invite you to sit down with me for just a few minutes today. I promise you it will be worth your time. In fact, my hope is that with my article, I’ll be saving you time in the long run.
What Are Your Goals?
Think about the one or two most important goals you’ve set your eyes on right now. What is it that you want to do? Accomplish? Become? Do you want to run a mile without stopping? Fit into your skinny jeans? Write it down.
For me, one of my goals for the past couple of months had been to start working toward a 225 lb deadlift. I kept telling people, “By x time period, I will achieve this goal and it will be spectacular!” I wanted it so, so badly. My other goal was to get my mile down time to 5:30 minutes. I just wanted to be fast.
Examine Your Behavior
Notice what you’re doing. Maybe even jot down some notes for a few days. Are you doing your mobility exercises to help you get to full depth in those squats? How often is your hand reaching for the candy jar without your realizing it on a conscious level?
Did I go to the gym diligently? Check.
Did I do a proper warm up each time? Uhh…
Did my deadlift have good form? I had no idea.
Did I eat the right foods? A+.
Did I eat enough? Not nearly.
Did I get enough sleep? Hit or miss.
Does Your Behavior Match Your Goals?
Oftentimes all it takes is some awareness of what you’re doing day in and day out to realize that despite sky-high goals you’ve set, you’re not doing much to get yourself there—or worse, you’re doing everything to hold yourself back.
I wasn’t consuming enough calories or getting sufficient rest to support …read more
Source:: Greatist