Greatist Workout of the Day: Thursday, November 13th
This series of GWODs was designed especially for Greatist by Bodeefit. For more information about the exercises in this workout, or to see video demos of each movement, follow the links below the graphic. Be sure to note the results of your workout so you can track your progress as you go.
Before you tackle this killer workout, try this quick and effective full-body warm-up designed by Bodeefit. It’s just five simple moves but hits every major muscle group and gets your heart pumping.

Mountain Burn
Going as fast as is safely possible, complete 5 rounds of the following circuit.
1-minute Squat Hold
20 Mountain Climbers (per side)
1-minute Side Forearm Plank (30 seconds per side)
Want to kick the intensity up a notch? Hold a medium-weight kettlebell or dumbbell in front of your chest during the squat hold!
Don’t forget to check back tomorrow for a totally new (but equally awesome) GWOD!
Source:: Greatist