The 19 Best Health and Fitness Podcasts to Download Now
By Maria Hart
If you’re late to the podcast party and think they’re just about solving murder most foul or catching up with Car Talk, allow us to educate you. Because bobbing around in the iTunes ether are several podcasts with rich and significant info on health and fitness. The wisdom on these shows is the stuff of fitness retreats and nutritional webinars—but they’re all 100-percent free. And here’s another happy thought: They’re “on air” whenever you want. Headed on a cross-country flight? Got a lengthy commute? Need some company on a long run? These podcasts have your back. With that in mind, we’ve rounded up the 19 best podcasts on health, fitness, nutrition, and happiness. The only crime here is if you don’t download them ASAP.
Paleo Peeps
Balanced Bites
Close your eyes and think “Paleo.” What’s the image that comes to mind? If you’re thinking of some dude in Vibram shoes—or a loincloth—you’re in good company (just check Google image search if you don’t believe us). But Paleo isn’t a gendered diet, and podcast hosts Liz Wolfe and Diane Sanfilippo are changing the way we see ancestral eating. Wolfe and Sanfilippo wrote the book on Paleo, literally. (Check out Eat the Yolks and Practical Paleo.) Together they dispense down-to-earth advice on how to follow a low-carb life. Plus they’re refreshingly open on their nutritional philosophy, allowing for the occasional treat. We say eat, drink, and be grain-free! A good place to start: The Cod Liver Oil Debate