20 Must-Read Fitness, Health, and Happiness Books for 2014

Book nerds, unite! We admit that while we love surfing the net and audibly groan whenever the WiFi goes down, our joy in curling up with a great book is unparalleled. And the transformative power of a good read—whether it’s the inspiring tale of a fitness underdog, the latest science on meditation, or a cookbook so luscious you want to lick the pages—can be a touchstone you turn to again and again.
With that in mind, we’ve rounded up our favorite reads on the subjects of fitness, health, and happiness—our favorite things! So whether you’re looking for a good book for your next flight or just a couple fun items to add to your Amazon wish list, we have you covered. Below are the titles released in the last year that we found inspirational, profound, informative, and straight-up fun.
Nutrition and Health

The Fit Bottomed Girl’s Anti-Diet
Newbies, listen up. The FBG’s Anti-Diet is your new manifesto: a happy-go-lucky guide to finding the joy in getting fit and eating healthy without any of the negativity that surrounds diets. (Boo to all that noise!) Jennipher Walters and Erin Whitehead do a great job of shaking the pom-poms for healthy living while reminding you that in no way should it be a endless parade of sad salads or gym obligations. This can be a chance to reconnect with your inner playground kid or mindfully eat dark chocolate. And don’t be fooled by the title; there may be a certain female perspective at play here, but the advice is universal, so fellas, just consider yourself an honorary FBG to reap the same benefits.